Monday, April 16, 2007


I was reading Lydia's blog just now and saw that she made a post about an article she read from Slashdot that really caught my eye. It was about the fact that it is very difficult to fully comprehend what is being taught to you when it is presented to you in written and spoken form at the same time. Due to how the brian works, which i am not going to get into mostly due to the fact that I just dont know, it cannot multitask effectively. Our memory can only handle a few tasks at once, which is very true for me, usually it's only one at a time. Anyway it brought to my attention the fact that some professors dont have their slides posted anywhere for their students making it difficult to get everything down and understand what the information is telling us, or the message the teacher is trying to get across. Some post the slides after class so we can look at them and study from them later, some post them before class so those students who want to print them off and take notes on them in class may do so, and well theres some that dont even use them. Maybe they just dont know how and think it would too much of a hassle with all the technical difficulties that arise. Thats why in class i just try to listen to the professor, take notes if I think I need to, but really just listen because its what they say in class that is most likely going to be on the test and having the slides available to look at makes a big difference to me so thank you professor Brown for posting slides and i wish all others would do the same.

check out STIUQXELA

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