Wednesday, March 21, 2007

YouTube and the NBA

i was reading over my team's blogs looking for something to comment on and came across Patrick's blog posting about an article he read that says that the NBA has paired with YouTube in a promotion effort to try and get fans to post clips of themselves trying various basketball tricks nad the like. i think, due to YouTube's popularity, this is a great idea for the NBA and might be something the NHL should consider doing as well. in my BUAD 479 class, we had to analyze a case on the NHL and discuss how to better market the league to try to regain some of the following that it had in the mid-90s. if they were to put videos of amazing tricks done by the fans on YouTube and many people were to see them, then an average sports fan might start to become interested in the sport and maybe even develop into a fan, something the NHL needs much more of after looking at the case.

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